
 In the previous post I described how any-and-all deity of Christ interpretations of Scripture dishonor the only true God, the Father.  Because, if Jesus is also God, then the Father is not the only true God. Either the Father is the one and only true God, or a multi-person god is. The Father and a multi-person god can’t both be the only God.  The high cost to pay for any deity of Christ belief is to deny that the Father is the only true God. In this current podcast we discuss another HIGH cost to pay for any deity of Christ interpretation of Scripture.  All deity of Christ claims not only dishonor the Father, but they also dishonor the Christ, the man Jesus of Nazareth, the Jew who was born in Bethlehem some 2000 years ago.  In fact, all deity of Christ claims in the end deny that the human person Jesus Christ ever existed. I know, I know. Most deity of Christ believers don’t think they are denying that the human person Jesus of Nazareth ever existed. But th...

The HIGH Cost of Deity of Christ Interpretations of the Bible: Dishonoring the FATHER

  Deity of Christ Interpretations of the Bible Dishonor the Father, the Only True God. If Jesus is God, then God the Father is not the one true God. The claim that “Jesus is God” becomes the main building block used by humans to construct a multi-person god. If Jesus is one member of a multi-person (Triune god) then the multi-person god is the one God, and the Father is not. Mainstream Christians agree that there is one God: “We are monotheists. We believe in one God”. But for mainstream Christians, the one God is made up of three persons.    Either the Father, a singular self, is the one true God, or a multi-person god is the one God. To hear this podcast, click here.  But if the Father is the one true God, then the claim that “Jesus is God” ("God is multi-persons") is an attempt to denigrate the only true God -- the Father. What deity of Christ and Trinitarian interpreters are doing is attempting to put another god on the face of and in the place of ...
      Agency in the Bible. The human person Jesus Represented the Father and Virtually was the Father. To listen to this podcast, YouTube  or any other podcast platform, like Spotify . In the Bible, God is often represented by the messengers he sends. Even beyond just representing God, God’s very presence was in and with the messenger. When God gave words to his messengers to speak, it was God speaking. When God gave authority and power to his messengers to perform miraculous deeds, it was God performing those miraculous deeds. When the messenger was at the scene, it was to be understood that God was at the scene. These realities are known as the principle of agency. In certain ways the messenger “is” the sender since the person’s agent is to be regarded as the sender himself.   Many Christians seem to be unfamiliar with the reality that “the one who is sent is to be regarded as the personal presence of the one who sent him.” God’s messenger is to be re...