
"Jesus had to be God to Atone for Sin", Really?

  Audio podcast  here  or  here . 1.        The claim “Jesus had to be God to atone for sin” is non-biblical, philosophical speculation.   The claim is not something argued or presented in the Bible. 2.       The Bible declares something completely different. The Bible says that Jesus had to be a man, a human being, not God and not just a human nature, to bring about God’s plan of redemption for humanity. God was at work in and through the man Jesus of Nazareth. Who the man Jesus was and is - and what he did - was necessary, sufficient and acceptable to God. This article/podcast focuses on #1 above, showing some of the dead-end inconsistencies and contradictions that the non-biblical speculation “Jesus had to be God to atone for sin” leads to. For comments about what the Bible does in fact declare, see “ Jesus had to be a Mere Man, the Bible Tells Me So ”. What deity of Christ folks are claiming with the “Jesus had to be God” claim is a kind of penal substitution theory of atonem

When were the Gospels Written? ("Historical Criticism" of the Gospels)

The Methodology and Ideology of “Liberal” Historical Criticism No matter who you are, efforts to assign dates to biblical books involves presuppositions.   Most of the so-called “historical criticism” approach to the biblical text brings the assumption that the text is only a man-inspired and man-made composition.   Much of this study stems back to Germany (the Tubingen School) in the 1800s. This might be an over-generalization, but the assumption is that God, if he exists, does not communicate to man through a written “inspired” text.   The Bible is a literary-theological construction of man, not the revelation of the Creator to man.   Main theory:  Source or Document Hypothesis :  the Synoptic Gospels are interdependent, one to the other In connection to the Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke, the main hypothesis of liberal scholarship is sometimes called the Two-Document, or Two-Source Hypothesis. Two main written texts are postulated to be the sources for Matthew and Luk

Why Did Hamas Attack Israel?

I found this analysis called “Why Did They Attack Us?” by Shai Eden, an Israeli digital creator and businessman, to be helpful in understanding the wider picture of what is going on between Israel and Hamas. I don’t necessarily agree with everything Mr. Eden says, and I find him to be inconsistent in several places. However, I think Mr. Eden explains well how the Israel-Hamas situation is related to a wider Russian-Iranian-Chinese alliance as opposed to a Western-Sunni-Israeli alliance. The translation is from Hebrew to English, done by Google translate and polished by me, Bill Schlegel. Original Hebrew Post by Shai Eden, digital creator & businessman. Oct/27/2023 (with additional links and maps) Translation begins: _ _ _ _ _  Why did they attack us? Despite the hatred, and love of death of Hamas, the reason for the timing and size of their a

"Jesus is God" Denies that Jesus is the Christ

Listen to this teaching on the One God Report podcast episode #108 , or here on YouTube . When I first came to understand that the man, the human person Jesus of Nazareth, is God’s Christ (the Messiah המשיח ), the human Son of God, quite a few of my former Trinitarian and deity-of-Christ-believing friends accused me of “denying Christ”. Here I was confessing and proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ, yet many people were saying I was denying Christ! I understand what they were thinking, since I probably would have thought something similar 10 years ago. To the Trinitarian, or deity of Christ believer, to “deny Christ” can mean several things, but chief among those things is to “deny” that Jesus is literally God; more specifically, to deny that Jesus is one member of a tripersonal god who became human. So, in a sense, they were right. I was denying that . [1]   But is that what the New Testament means by “denying Christ”? There are several New Testament scriptures that speak o