The HIGH Cost of Deity of Christ Interpretations of the Bible: Dishonoring the FATHER
Deity of Christ Interpretations of the Bible Dishonor the Father, the Only True God.
If Jesus is God, then God the Father is not the one true God.
The claim that “Jesus is God” becomes the main building block used by humans to construct
a multi-person god. If Jesus is one member of a multi-person (Triune god)
then the multi-person god is the one God, and the Father is not.
Christians agree that there is one God: “We
are monotheists. We believe in one God”.
But for mainstream Christians, the one
God is made up of three persons.
the Father, a singular self, is the one true God, or a multi-person god is the
one God.
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But if the Father is the one true God, then the claim that “Jesus is God” ("God is multi-persons") is an attempt to denigrate the only true God -- the Father. What deity of Christ and Trinitarian interpreters are doing is attempting to put another god on the face of and in the place of our God and Father.
There are
parallels between modern social left-wing liberal attacks on fatherhood and fathers. “Deity of Christ” belief
has much in common with left wing liberalism. The attack on the singularity of God
our Father is one of those parallels.
What does the Bible say? Trinitarians claim a multi-person god is “biblical”. Is it?
20:2-3 "I am the YHVH
your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
bondage. 3 "You shall have no other
gods before me. (or, upon my face)
Not “We
are…your God…have no other gods before us.”
If people are going to claim that the Father is God and Jesus is God, then they should call their god
‘them’. Their multi-person God is not
“he”. Their multi-person god is “they”.
“They are your god” Not “he is your God”. Are you offended if I call your god “they”.
If so, why? More than one persons are
“Hear O
Israel, YHVH is your God, Yehovah is one.”
this how you repay YHVH, you foolish, unwise people? Is he not your father,
your creator? He has made you and established you.”
father” is parallel with “your creator”.
A multi person god is not Israel’s creator.
Malachi 2:10
Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God
create us?
“one Father” is parallel (the same as) “one God”, and
again, he is Israel’s creator.
Again, the question is: who is the one God? Is
the one God the Father alone, or is the one God a multi-person “being”? The one
God is either the Father alone, or the one God is the Trinity. These can’t both
be the one God.
For deity of Christ believers and Trinitarians, the one God cannot be the Father alone. Deity of Christ belief must deny that the Father alone is the one God.
We must understand the seriousness of all this. If the Father alone
is the one God of the Bible, then deity of Christ belief is idolatry, an
attempt to put another God in the one God’s place.
But the
New Testament says that the One God is the Father:
17:1-3 “Father, this is eternal life, to know you, the only true God, and Jesus
Christ whom you have sent.”
1 Corinthians
8:6, “As for us there is one God, the Father...”
If the
Father is the one and only true God, then deity of Christ belief is wrong – it
is idolatry.
Perverting the New Testament Emphasis that God is Father
In the
New Testament, God is often referred to as the Father. “Pray this way, “Our Father who is in
heaven…” Jesus said, “Tell my brothers
that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (John
this emphasis on the fact that God is our heavenly Father is misconstrued or
perverted by deity of Christ believers. Deity of Christ believers think the
calling God Father is mainly to distinguish the Father from other persons who are
also God. God the Father, as distinct from “God the Son” or “God the Spirit”.
that is not why God is called the Father in the New Testament. God, the only
God, is called the Father in the New Testament, just as in the Hebrew
Scriptures, because He gave us life. He cares for us, provides for us,
disciplines us, instructs us, and not the least of which, promises and gives us
an inheritance.
God is
our Heavenly Father. That is, metaphorically not metaphysically. Like Israel is God's first-born son, andJesus as the ideal Israel, is God’s firstborn son raised from the dead, we too can be “children of
To try
to make someone else other than the Father is an attempt to eliminate all that
the Fatherhood of God means.
So, “What
about John 1:1? What about John 8:58? What about Thomas’ statement in John ?
What about Colossians 1? What about Philippians 2? What about Hebrews 1?”
Keep in
mind: If any of those passages are interpreted to declare “Jesus is God”, that
belief becomes the main building block for a multi-person god, and the cost is that
the Father is not the only true God.
truth is, the Father is the only true God, and there are much better ways of
interpreting these so-called deity of Christ passages.
HIGH cost of any “deity of Christ” interpretation is an attempt to claim that
the Father is not the one, the only true God.
Christians need to decide: who is your God. Either the Trinity, or the
Father alone. Your God can’t be both.