Israel's Persistence as a People and Nation
The story is told that the Prussian German King Frederick the Great asked his physician and advisor, "Can you name me a single proof of the existence of God?" The physician replied, "Your majesty, the Jews.” All nations and all kingdoms of men will come to an end. There is only one exception: Israel. Israel also as a nation and people would have come to an end (Isa. 1:9, Psa. 124, Deu. 9:4). They wanted to “become like all nations” and would have, except for God’s promise. God promised that Israel’s persistence as a people and nation would be a witness to all the world that He, Yahweh, is God (Isa. 66:22, Eze. 36:22-23). Israel became like the Canaanites and deserved destruction. But because of God’s plan and promise, because of God’s power – not because of Israel’s goodness or greatness - Israel persists. There was restoration. No other nation has the promise of God for perpetual survival or, more specifically, for restoration like Israel. If or when America, Russia,...