The Restitution: Biblical Proof that Jesus is NOT God - (and signs of a 21st Century Reformation?)
A review of The Restitution: Biblical Proof that Jesus is NOT God by Kermit Zarley * _ _ _ _ _ Anyone who thinks that the Bible claims that God is a Trinity, or that the Bible claims that Jesus Christ is God, should read this book. The Restitution: Biblical Proof that Jesus is NOT God is a comprehensive study of biblical Christology. What does the Bible say about who Christ (Messiah) is? For some 1700 years Christian churches have answered that question by saying that Jesus is God, or a God-Man. Former Trinitarian Zarley challenges that answer. He maintains that the biblical view is not “God is Christ”, but “God in Christ”. That is, the One God of the Bible, Yahweh, worked in and through His human Messiah, Jesus, to reveal Himself to mankind (John 1:18, Heb. 1:1), and to reconcile the world to Himself (2 Cor. 5:19). In the first part of the book Zarley reviews the historical development of deity-of-Christ and Trinitarian theology. The standard church narrative ru...