
Showing posts from August, 2020

“Jesus Christ is not a Human Person”: the Anhypostasis of Jesus Christ

Notes for presentation given at Restoration Fellowship Theological Conference, July 31, 2020 For video of the presentation click here . For podcast (audio only) click here . Summary: Trinitarian theologians claim that since God the Son “took on” humanity, Jesus was not a human person. Otherwise Jesus Christ would be two persons (one divine person and one human person). Trinitarian theologians call the non-human personhood of Jesus Christ the anhypostasis (“without personhood”), and the divine personalizing of the human nature the enhypostasis . Schlegel examines the anhypostasis theory from a biblical perspective and finds the theory to be anti-Messiah.     Slide 1 Deity of Christ claim: “Jesus is not a human person”. According to Trinitarian Christology and theology, Jesus is not a human person . Jesus only has a human nature . This is called the anhypostasis of Jesus Christ, meaning “without a person”, “impersonality”.     Slide 2 Most Christi...