Jesus and John the Baptist – John Chapter 1 is Not about the Genesis Creation
To hear a podcast episode of this teaching, click here . John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God to testify about the man Jesus Christ, not about a pre-incarnate 2 nd person of the Trinity, nor about a pre-Genesis abstract plan of God. A commentary on the Gospel of John 1:4-8. John 1:4-5 John 1:4-5: (that which came to be) in him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (that which came to be) in him was life, See podcast #29 commenting on John 1:2-3 where I understand the verb at the end of verse 3 to go with the beginning of verse 4: “that which came to be in him was life”. Just as through the first man Adam, also through the second man, Jesus, life came to be. John’s Gospel is concerned with the resurrection, eternal life of the next age that came to be in the man Jesus Christ. and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the...