"Jesus is Worshipped, so He Must Be God" Really?
To listen to this text on the ONE GOD REPORT Podcast, click here . The claim "Jesus must be God, because he is worshipped" is: 1. biblically misinformed, or biblically ignorant. What are the Hebrew and Greek words translated as “worship”? Who is properly worshipped? Is it correct to say “only God can be worshipped”? 2. ironically, the claim that “Jesus is worshipped, he must be God” is anti-Christ, since it is a denial that Jesus Christ is a man. Those making the claim insist they will only worship God. They won’t worship a man. They refuse to bow before God's appointed human Messiah. “Deity of Christ” believers contradict themselves. They want to insist that Jesus is “fully man”. If Jesus is “fully man” as Trinitarians claim, then they themselves are worshiping a man. But then they turn around and deny that they are worshipping a man. Deity of Christ believer: are you worshipping someone who is fully man, or not? Make up your mind. Let...