The Need to Remove God from Our Lives

We as individuals and nations are psychologically (or spiritually) motivated to remove the true God from our lives, because the idea of “God” takes away our autonomy. We need to remove God from our lives so that we can do what we want. We can justify our behavior if there is no God, or if we make up a god that lets us do what we want.

I want a god who is defined by me, who will serve me, who requires of me what I deem necessary to give him.

But there is a cost for rejecting the true God. A very high cost. This is worse than biting the hand that feeds us. This is rejecting not just our feeder, but our Maker and Redeemer. “Thus says the Lord God, ‘Because you have forgotten me and cast me behind your back, you must bear the consequences…’” (Ezekiel 23:35).


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