Does the Gospel of John declare that God is a Trinity?

Do verses in the Gospel of John declare that God is a Trinity, three "God-persons" in one? Does the Gospel of John declare that one of those three "God-persons" has two natures, a God nature and a human nature? If not, do verses in the Gospel of John at least declare the "deity" of Jesus?  On these two podcasts (below) Sean Finnegan and I discuss how neither the Trinity nor the deity of Jesus are declared in verses like John 1:1 ("In the beginning was the word..."), John 5:18 ("made himself equal with God"), John 8:58 ("before Abraham was, I am"), John 17:5 (glory that I had with you"), John 20:28 (Thomas' statement: "My Lord and my God").

Podcast 1: John 1:1, 1:14, 1:18, 5:18, 8:58

Podcast 2: John 10:30-33, John 20:28, 1 John 5:20

Here is a one hour teaching dealing with the statement in John 5 that Jesus made himself "equal with God".


Eileen said…
Excellent podcasts! You lay things out so clearly. Yours is the best explanation of Thomas' "My Lord and my God" that I have heard/read. Thank you!

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