Why Did Hamas Attack Israel?
I found this analysis called “Why Did They Attack Us?” by Shai Eden, an Israeli digital creator and businessman, to be helpful in understanding the wider picture of what is going on between Israel and Hamas.
I don’t necessarily agree with everything Mr. Eden says, and
I find him to be inconsistent in several places. However, I think Mr. Eden
explains well how the Israel-Hamas situation is related to a wider Russian-Iranian-Chinese
alliance as opposed to a Western-Sunni-Israeli alliance.
The translation is from Hebrew to English, done by Google translate and polished by me, Bill Schlegel.
Translation begins:
_ _ _ _ _
Why did they attack us?
Despite the hatred, and love of death of Hamas, the reason
for the timing and size of their attack lies in the saga of the Cold War, which
is heating up before our eyes. In the big picture the immediate suspects are
once again: money and power.
Those who think that the reason for the attack was only tremendous
hatred and release of Hamas prisoners, are not seeing the big picture. I'm not
talking about the bigger Hamas or the Palestinian picture, but about an even
bigger picture.
According to foreign reports, led by officers of the Quds
Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, about 500
militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad participated in exercises in September.
General Ismail Kaani, the commander of the Iranian al-Quds Force participated
in the training himself.
World intelligence sources claim that Iran initiated the
attack on Israel. The Wall Street Journal, quoting senior Hamas and Hezbollah
officials, reports that the decision was made at a meeting in Beirut on October
2 in the presence of their leaders. An adviser to the Syrian government and a
European official gave the same account of Iran's involvement.
So this is Iran. But why Iran?
Despite Iran’s monstrous hatred and desire to murder us, the
Iranian leadership is generally very calculated. Even when they choose to use
direct force, they do so with strategy. After all, they knew that after such an
excessive attack, Israel would lose its temper, pursue senior Hamas officials
and attempt to crush Hamas. So what went through the minds of the Iranian Shiite
leaders? Why did they bring down a disaster upon Gaza?
The answer: because that's exactly what they wanted.
Disaster in Gaza.
Anyone who is not satisfied with the answer, "because
they are crazy", should follow the money trail. Yes, again, the money.
It's always power and it's always money. But this time it's
much bigger power and money. No, not the millions that Qatar transferred to
Hamas, not even the money that America pays to the countries of the region.
Much more than that. Much, much more than that - this time it's the biggest
money war we've ever known.
Welcome to the end times of the Cold War.
Let’s climb to the top, to the biggest money: it was and
remains in energy: oil and gas. Just yesterday Russia announced that Hamas is
not a terrorist organization. Isn't that weird? Why would Russia say such a
thing? She, who suffers so much from terror? Why is Russia stoking the fire
against us? What does Russia have to do with the conflict between Israel and
the Palestinians anyway?
Now, I'm not saying that Russia did this to us. But I am
sure of one thing, and you will soon understand how simple this math is: the
biggest beneficiary of the war - could be Russia, and with it, China and Iran.
The largest energy transportation project in the world is owned by the Russian government. This is the biggest global energy project ever, Putin's baby, built over the past two decades, quietly, quietly, in partnership with China in the East. Russia has built a massive pipeline system from its territory to half the world, and to Europe. Yes, to the West. It is a system of pipelines that are hard to fathom. In just a few years, Russia has reached a tremendous level of control over Europe's energy, achieving sometimes the unimaginable. Until the Ukraine war, Russia was the main supplier of natural gas to Europe, selling about 50% of all gas in Europe. An amazing amount of gas by all accounts that dropped to about 20% following the sanctions that accompanied the Ukraine war. We have to understand, in Europe gas is not just electricity and stoves, gas is a survival product with which water and homes are heated on frozen winter days.
Gas is life.
Until recently, Russia dominated the West through control of
the gas and oil supply. And together with China, Russia also penetrated the
energy market in the (Persian) Gulf.
And, another country that benefits greatly from this
cooperation with Russia and China is Iran. Yes, Iran. Just last July, Iran
signed a gas agreement with Russia in the amount of $40 billion, which joins a
lot of other business that occurs between Russia and Iran, and also between Iran,
Russia and China. Iran sits on the second largest gas reserves in the world,
after Russia, and it needs to sell it to someone. So, with the help of Putin's
infrastructure, Iran sells gas to...the West. Strange, right? Sanctions on
Iran? Not when you have Russia as a business partner.
Last year, Russia brought in an astronomical amount of $138
billion from gas exports alone, and another $218 billion dollars from oil
exports - despite sanctions imposed on it following the Ukraine war.
Russia makes a lot of money from Europe.
Putin's pipeline is no longer just an economic project - it
is a colonialist infrastructure project of power and strength. These pipelines give
Russia a semi-monopoly in the natural gas business. Putin built with the genius
of a skilled chess player the smartest thing he could think of. Russia became
the largest gas supplier from Beijing to Europe. In fact, Russia is the largest
gas supplier in the world. But he (Putin/Russian) has a special fondness for
the European pipeline, for a simple reason - it holds the West by the balls.
The whole Russian gas pipeline system was built at record
speed over the last 20 years. The "Nordic Stream" pipeline (see map)
was built in a year and a half, in partnership with European countries - God
knows what they were thinking. This happened when America was busy with its
Gulf wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, in the post-September-11 period. We could
say that America fell asleep on guard, and Putin took Europe, and together with
China they are taking the East and the (Persian) Gulf.
So America, waking up late to this Monopoly game, belatedly looked for a way to regain lost control. America's fear was that Russia and China would use this energy stranglehold power against the West.
And America’s fear was validated in the Ukraine war when
Russia closed the energy supply line to the West as a response to the West's
support for Ukraine. And, in addition, one of the pipelines leading from Russia
to Germany suffered a mysterious terrorist act. So, the (Russia-Europe) "friendship"
became less friendly as gas prices soared in Europe, to the point that many European
families were left out in the cold, literally, because they preferred not to
buy expensive gas. The cost of natural gas in (some parts of) the world jumped
by 700%. Europe entered into a panic and countries like India found themselves
on the brink of crisis. Also, there is no doubt that Russia’s gas pipelines
prevented an attack on it by the West in the Ukraine war because, how can you
attack the one who sells you gas?
America realized that it had to respond to this situation. America
couldn’t allow that in every conflict between the West and the East that Putin could
cut off (energy) supply. So, America began to diminish Russia's involvement as
an energy supplier to Europe. They (America and Europe) lowered Putin’s (European
gas exports) from 50% to less than 20%. They cut of his plan for Russian
pipeline dependance, and (Europe) started importing more gas from the US, and
moved towards “clean gas”, which does not go through Putin's pipelines.
In addition, America has moved on to another very big
creative solution. If Putin comes to Europe through the north - we (America and
Europe) will outsmart him and bypass him - from the south.
America's super-ambitious economic project has been given a
very friendly name. They called it: "The Abraham Accords". You’ve
heard of it?
It's (billed as) a plan for peace, of course, but it's also
a huge economic corridor, and it's also a lot of gas. The vision is to produce
a territorial string of normalized relations that begins in India, through the
Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel (Israel, we know 😊)
and from there to Greece, Cyprus, Europe. If Russia comes from the north -
America wants to crush it from the south.
If you will, this is the Russian-Iranian-Chinese front against the Western-Sunni-Israeli front. Game of Thrones kind of stuff!
Pay attention to the drawing I’ve attached. Above is
Russia's amazingly ambitious pipeline system, and below, the “Line of Peace”,
as presented by Netanyahu himself in his celebratory speech on September 9 of
this year (see attached video), a month before the attack on Gaza.
There is a missing piece to the puzzle - Saudi Arabia and
Israel do not have official relations.
It’s not news that Saudi Arabia is looking for a solution to
export oil and gas from the region. And, Saudi Arabia is also threatened by the
Iranian nuclear bombs, and the growing closeness of the Shiite enemy (Iran) to
So, let’s say "Shalom" and make peace. Easy.
Everyone will benefit - Sunni Saudi Arabia will sell oil and gas to the West,
goods will arrive from India and bypass China. Saudi Arabia will also compete
with Shiite Iran, which hates (Sunni) Saudia Arabia, and it will gain a
military alliance with America and Israel.
Basically, America came up with a strategy that bypasses Russia-China-Iran: an
energy and commodities route from its Sunni Arab friends in the south of the
Gulf that will compete with Russia and the Shiites in the north. Saudi Arabia
is also deluding itself into hoping it will get permission for atomic (energy and/or
weapon development) from the US - I doubt if anyone would dare. But you never know.
Indeed, during the summer of this year, everything gained
momentum when Biden and Netanyahu started talking about a historic peace
between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Then on September 9, during the G20
conference, Biden announced his own crazy “super plan”: the "Peace
Train". Walla!
Not just a train, not just peace, but in Biden’s own words:
"a real big deal, changing the regional rules of the game."
The plan is to build a fast and advanced train that will
transport commodities between the countries of the Peace Axis of the Abraham
Accords, from India to Europe. A fantastic vision in itself. But this train,
with all the peace it brings, hides one more important goal under the tracks of
it’s so-called “humanitarian vision”. You got it already... a gas pipeline.
Crude oil and gas will be transported by train, and by an upgraded “clean gas”
by pipeline.
Watch the video I have attached here from the ILTV channel
from September 9 this year, and pay attention to the words of Ursula Gertrud
von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, who specifically says
the words: "a pipeline of clean gas". She tries not to emphasize it
too much, but it’s clear to everyone what this is about. It should be said that
"clean gas" means hydrogen gas, which is friendlier and more
efficient to use, and which Russia's pipelines do not have. Simply put: an
upgraded gas and pipeline that will make Putin's pipeline obsolete.
Biden will have a bigger pipeline.
And this pipeline from India also connects to the pipeline
that Netanyahu agreed on with the leaders of Greece and Cyprus in January 2020.
The "EastMed" pipeline that will be the longest in the world between
Israel and Greece, and from there to Italy.
And Saudi Arabia? It needs this new alliance badly in order
to neutralize Iran whom it hates, and bypass the Russian-Chinese monopoly of
goods and energy going towards Europe. So much so that at the G20 conference
the Saudi crown prince announced that his country would invest about $20
billion in the project - even before the peace agreement with Israel was signed!
Heck, peace is a done deal. What could possibly interfere?
What has happened is that America directly threatened the jewel
of Putin and China with a “screw you” plan of its own. Everyone should know that
an Arabian Pennisula-Israel-Europe pipeline is a disaster for Russia and China.
And if it is a disaster for them, it is also a disaster for Iran, because it
strengthens the connection between two entities that Iran hates: the Sunnis (Saudi
Arabia) in the south and the Zionists in the west.
For Iran, an alliance between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel is
an indescribable disaster. The alliance would connect Saudi Arabia to the
military power of Israel, and Israel to the economic power of Saudi Arabia. And
it puts Saudi Arabia and Israel as major players in the global energy market. From
Iran’s perspective: it is a cause for war.
On the other hand, from Saudi Arabia’s perspective, Iran is the
hated Shiite which is developing an atomic bomb.
So how does one torpedo the new alignment?
Easy: kill the “peace”.
Where and how? In Gaza.
A few days after Sept. 9, the Hamas-niks were already
training in Iran. Three weeks after Biden’s announcement the meeting with
Hezbollah and Hamas took place and the operation to thwart peace was hatched.
Everything happened in September during the time which for traditional Judaism
are known as the “terrible days” or “days of awe”.
On October 3, four days before the attack, Khamenei in Iran was
quoted criticizing Saudi Arabia for the peace plan, and he concluded his words
with a firm statement: “It will not happen.”
Iran chose Hamas, for a good reason. Hamas is Sunni, like
Saudi Arabia, and they are loved by the public in Saudi Arabia. We might think
it's all a war to free occupied land or because of a deep religious agenda, but
in the end, it's about money.
For Hamas, striking Israel is a mitzvah, to release
prisoners, to give a sense of victory. But as far as Iran is concerned – Iran doesn’t
really care about the small Sunni organization that took over Gaza. Some say
that Shiites hate Jews less than they hate Sunnis! It's a DNA-level hatred. A
hatred that is described in the famous quote, "Of all God's creatures the
dog is the most impure, but a Sunni Arab is worse than the dog."
Iran could have chosen Hezbollah to start the war and it
might have been an even greater success. But Hezbollah is the real child of
Iran, a Shiite religious organization, which it is obliged to protect. But
Hamas, the Sunni "dog", the "Arab low-lifers" can be
sacrificed on the altar of the pipeline. Mohammad Deif (Hamas military leader) is
stupid enough to think that Iran wants good for Gazans. He is crazy and violent
enough to flow with any murder of Jews and humbling of Israel. And he flowed with
the attack-Israel plan like gas through the pipelines of Russia and China.
But in order to torpedo such a significant peace agreement,
it was not enough for some small attack on Dizengoff Street which would drag in
its wake another run-of-the-mill Israeli military operation, from which “peace”
and Biden's train could yet be restored. They needed something substantial,
something big, that would resonate throughout the Arab world, so that Saudi
Arabia could no longer even think about peace with Israel. They needed
something that would last for years. Israel would need to go crazy. Israel would
need to be so angry that even Biden would not be able to stop it. They needed
an unforgettable mega-attack. They needed a September 11. They needed a war.
And that's how this disgusting thing that happened in the
Israeli villages near Gaza got started. Not in the name of the Shiite religious
war on the Zionist occupation, but in the name of money.
It’s not a Gaza war. It’s a gas war.
But surprise!
Saudi Arabia is in no hurry to call off the peace. And until
Saudi Arabia declares that the peace is cancelled, the great goal has not been
Note how the Saudis are staying quite silent. Israel is
crushing their brothers in Gaza but the Saudis are staying quiet, trying to
keep some opening for peace with Israel and the huge project that is so
important to them. It is likely that we will see attempts by Russia, China and
Iran to increase the war, to prolong it, with all kinds of games of hostages being
released occasionally, and an organized, well-financed global protest, until it
reaches Saudi Arabia.
Personally, I hope that Saudi Arabia, as well as Israel,
will be smart and strong enough not to fall into this trap. This peace is a historical
leap for Israel, even if it’s clear that it will bring a lot of trouble with
A few additional observations:
- The psychotic madness of Hamas and the accompanying Gazans
has nothing to do with the big picture. They are murderous wretches who gave
the devil within them free rein to murder and rape us, and they need to be
eliminated. Till the end. A full crushing.
- At the same time, we also need to understand the big
picture. From the moment Israel entered the arena of the global energy war, and
became a main player - it's a completely new story. We are now a significant
player in the Cold War.
Israel is not only a central junction between tectonic
plates, it is also a major junction between gigantic powers. And pressure will
only increase as peace gets stronger and the pipeline gets underway. I hope it
finally gets going.
- Hezbollah is in no hurry to enter the war and for good
reason. Hezbollah’s interest is that the Israel- Hamas war will only increase
and the attention of the Sunni world, mainly in Saudi Arabia, will be directed
mainly to the Sunni losses (in Gaza). Sure, Hezbollah shoots some anti-tank
missiles here and there, but it's lip service, nothing more. There is a limit
to how much they are willing to sacrifice for the Sunni Arab Hamas.
- Russia went against Israel publicly. Obviously, its
interest at the moment is for Israel to be portrayed as an evil entity, in
order to push as much as possible against the peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.
Russia and China are the main beneficiaries of the crisis – that’s unequivocal.
It also embroils America here in the Middle East and decreases the West’s
attention in Ukraine.
- The Emirates, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are quite silent.
Everyone already understands that the peace project is in danger of collapsing,
but they still hope it can come to be a reality. I hope they keep their clear
thinking and hold on to this important peace.
-The USA came here like it never has before. The aircraft
carrier group Gerald Ford came to Israel and another to the Gulf. Biden sat in
the Israeli cabinet. What?! Why? Why is this situation so unique? After all, isn’t
this once again just Israel against a terrorist organization? What huge, gigantic,
precious interest does America have to protect this time? Could it be that
there is some kind of pipeline under threat? Understand, the energy pipeline is
the biggest issue currently standing between the US and Russia and China. In
the dimensions of the Cold War – this is bigger than missiles in Cuba.
- Without hesitation all of Europe is in favor of Israel.
The world is divided into West and East. Everyone already understands what is
happening here, it is only us who tell ourselves that it is Israel against the
Palestinians and nothing else. But Europe would love to be freed from the
suffocating hands of the Russian-Chinese front.
- If you didn't understand what Russia wanted from Ukraine,
now you know better - their oil and gas, and especially their territory where a
significant part of Russia's pipeline crosses to Europe. Putin can say all day
that the war is a response to “terrorism”. Yeah, right.
- It is very possible that the big clash between Saudi
Arabia and Iran is still ahead of us. For sure, as long as Biden's peace
project continues, we will see more and more attempts to thwart it by Russia
and Iran. The railway-pipeline, when it starts to be built, is going to suffer
from "terrorist" attacks along its entire length. Therefore, it is a
long road ahead of us - which has only just begun.
- The Abraham Accords are presented as some tremendous
achievement of the great statesman Netanyahu. Come on, it's a huge economic
project of America. The US initiated it and put it together, all to bypass Russia-China.
We (Israel) are just another piece of the Cold War puzzle. It's just sad that
the victims were forced to pay for the power whims of the Superpowers.
- Apparently no one in the world really cares about the
Palestinians and their terrorist organizations. They are just another tool in
the Cold War toolbox.
- At the same time, it is clear to me that if Iran feels it
can one day conquer Israel, it will try. It is already an ancient messianic
religious dream that for Iran supersedes any other motivation. And there may be
bigger nations than Iran who can help her.
That's it, it was long, huh?
Are you starting to understand the big story?
In the end, it's who has the bigger pipeline.
Sources: Publications in Israeli and foreign media,
Wikipedia. I didn't invent anything; I just connected the dots.
_ _ _ _ _
End of Translation
Original Hebrew Post by Shai Eden, digital creator &
businessman. Oct/27/2023
(with additional links and maps)
I am not yet convinced that the pipeline element is primary here, but I admit that I hadn't considered that element of the Abraham Accords, and I would like to look into that further.
Also, please consider the Saudi Arabia and Iran, along with Egypt, Ethiopia and UAE have all been invited to join the BRICS coalition. Saudi Arabia and Iran are now allies (?!?!?) in an economic union designed to develop a dollar-free, gold backed scheme intended to bypass and ultimately replace the dollar (and the SWIFT settlement system) as the primary world reserve currency for international trade settlement. Therefore, The BRICS countries (most notably Russia) are by this BRICS+ association well motivated to speak diplomatically in a manner politically convenient to the sensitivities of these new BRICS member states.
But from Hamas' perspective, it may well be that the entire BRICS expansion looks like yet another untoward normalization between its 'allies' and other world powers, without any advancement of Hamas' charter goals or any move to strengthen the political position of the powers-that-be in Gaza.
Let's keep in mind that there seem to be good evidences that the Israeli government has for decades been nurturing Hamas as a useful opposition to the PLO and the PA. To what end? Well, If the PA were to have become a unified, stable and effective governing body over all those falsely calling themselves 'Palestinians,' then world pressure would mount on Israel to negotiate with the PA toward a two-state solution, and Israel might be forced to capitulate.
A two-state solution is rightly considered unacceptable by geopolitical Israel, so a brutish and jihad-crazed corrupt Hamas (as a counter to the corrupt-yet-pragmatic PA) seems to have been the appalling means the Israeli government chose in order to obviate and neutralize the threat of mounting pressure toward two-state reality.
As a related side question, I wonder if this strategic position by Israel is reflected, in part, in the relatively unarmed condition of its population. If the Israeli government really wanted Hamas deterred from staging armed guerilla incursions, why not encourage Israelis (almost all of whom received some training in arms as part of mandatory military service) to be adequately armed to lethally fend off such threats? I am hoping for more information on this subject.
How is this relevant? Well, while I think it defies credulity to think that the IDF, Mosad, etc, were really surprised by the attack, perhaps the scale and ferocity exceeded that which the Israeli analysts anticipated. As they say, 'Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind'.
And, perhaps many in Gaza actually embrace the fratricidal vitriol in the language of their charter. Perhaps this recent violence is the fruit of Gazans inculcating their children into Nazi hero worship, and the belief the that evil Jews harvest the blood of Arab children in order to manufacture matzo (something certain anti-Jew 'Christians' had already been saying for many years).
I think Hamas will make noise about a two-state solution, but it really wants a one-state solution: Jews gone, Arabs win. Their fermenting obsession in this regard was useful to geopolitical Israel, but the chemical reaction has gotten out of control. Nevertheless, it is still seen as useful on the world stage as the various players pursue their various geopolitical goals.
I think the problem finds its deepest roots in the Abrahamic covenant. Are we not witnessing a struggle between the various members of Abraham's seed?
The land from the wadi of Egypt to the Euphrates, and from somewhere around Lebanon all the way to Ur and also the entire Arabian peninsula belong to Abraham and his seed. National (not geopolitical) Israel is personally entitled to possess and control much more than currently, and I suspect that among as least some Arab scholars and political leaders, they understand and loathe this patriarchal inheritance.
National Israel is the elder brother by the promise, and it was national Israel who (according to archeological records consistent with the account in Numbers) traversed the entire Arabian wilderness peninsula and thus have a claim to the land, as it is written, 'Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours; your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea.'. It is national Israel who received the headship, the double portion and the blessing. Although the others have received their portions, they resent the controlling position of family headship over all granted by God to his beloved first son, Israel, whom he delivered from Egypt through Moses.
So, Hamas' true formula may be put like this: 'Elder brother gone, the remainder divide the spoils'. But that will never be, because God is not a man, that he should change his mind or revoke his promise to bring about, following the fullness of the gentiles coming into the church, a final national spiritual revival in national Israel (Romans 11:26-29).
Some say the a large fraction of those calling themselves 'Palestinians' are actually Edomites. Jeremiah tells us that Edom will lose his land, and Obadiah tells us that Edom will be annihilated, similar to the judgment that was pronounced against Amalek. If these people are in any way Edom (or Amalek, as, I think, Netanyahu recently called them), then the gospel is most acutely and urgently needed among them, because on a national level, judgment has been decreed against these peoples, and there is therefore hope only for those who come out from among them and join the ranks of those who are a new creation in Jehoshua, the founder, chief and elder brother of the new people promised eternal life and an everlasting inheritance in the coming kingdom of God.
Thanks for the thoughts and comments. The Iranian-Saudi gestures really are interesting, even surprising. Indeed, the world will change significantly if the dollar is replaced as the primary world currency.
On Israel's unpreparedness, I do think it is primarily a case of complacency, timing and over-reliance on electronic early detection systems. For sure Israel underestimated the will and motivation of what Hamas would and could do. Israel wasn't intentionally using it's citizens as pawns to let something start with Hamas. There were response teams in the villages, but there are reasons why there were limitations for holding weapons in the villages around Gaza. Among them, theft.
I will miss my guess if higher up military and security personnel don't lose their jobs when the fighting is done, including the prime minister. These kinds of people don't sacrifice their positions to "make something happen with Hamas".
Thanks so much for posting - if nothing else, this is utterly fascinating - and critical to think on this level. Frankly, I had forgotten about the whole energy thing - though I recall the matter previously.
This appears a very level-headed, non-conspiratorial analysis - energy is a huge deal that must be considered despite any other bells and whistles.
Greg Logan
Your conception of a "struggle between Abraham's seed" seems a vast stretch and to live within the imaginations of the inhabitants rather then science.
I am looking forward to seeing science, specifically genetic markers, from these people to determine whether there is any genuine genetic distinctives. Frankly, I expect they are all mixed - all Canaanites, etc and only seperated by cultural (read: religious) ideologies.
I just read a fascinating expose of certain Chinese cultural bias as they saw their "race" is somehow specially descended....BUT upon thorough genetic study their own geneticist found they were simply more humanoids evolving out of Africa.... no doubt just like you, I and Bill...🙂
A reply to Greg:
Since you replied to my comment, numerous Arabs have confirmed exactly what I wrote: Namely, that the struggle is over the Abrahamic inheritance, with an overlay of Islamic jihad.
See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsE5B-9uMYk for an interesting interview with Moriel Bareli, author of "When a Jew and a Muslim Talk" in which Bareli documents the express views and intentions of the Arabs.
I am now further confident that for the hostile Arabs, the current kinetic war has zero to do with specific natural resources, but is rather about their sense of outrage that the descendants of Isaac through his grandson Jacob have established control over a portion of the disputed inheritance.
Too bad many Israeli Jews are modern western-thinking progressive humanists who care not for scriptural claims and who think negotiations in good faith can yield peaceful and equitable outcomes.
They are badly mistaken: The Muslim Arabs now hostile to Israel want to cleans the entire land and the whole world of Jews. They respect Jews who are more or less religiously faithful to Moses; they despise those who are ethnically Jewish and no more, and they will kill these first (notice that the original attack was at an event unlikely to attract orthodox Jewry).
In the eyes of these Arab Muslims, the worst thing that can possibly befall them is not death, but the humiliation of losing land; not at all unrelated, their highest goal is to seize all the land now controlled by Israel.
Therefore the best way to bring a proximate end to the conflict is to threaten all anti-Israel combatant groups with the solemn promise that if they do not lay down arms and keep them down, they and all their people will be immediately and forcibly deported to the lands of their Arab Muslim brethren, and the land they had occupied will be turned fully over to permanent Jewish control and resettlement.
With respect, Greg, I urge you to try to view the conflict through the lens of the combatants themselves.
And finally, I would like to say that I believe the Genesis account of creation as a straightforward narrative, because that seems to be the most consistent way to read it (scripturally, grammatically and according to narrative-style ) and I believe the scriptures in their entirety and not in part (as, I think, did Jesus). I do not believe in evolution or out-of-Africa. I also think genetic analysis is demonstrably not able to provide the ancestry smoking-gun you suggest. And anyway the most important thing for the peoples of the world is not the truth of lineage, but how they self identify into tribes and nations.
Therefore, if ancient an feud over title to the land is brewing and at times boiling over until this day, the rest of the world would do well to take note and try to encourage peace by appealing to the mindsets and goals of the combatants, rather than imposing foreign interpretative frameworks (in this case, the idea that they are really fighting over access to energy or mineral resources, or the commercial traffic of the same).
In other words, just as we shouldn't favor later Greek-influenced interpretations of the personal identity of the God of Moses and Jesus, we likewise err when we relate to the middle east as though they are modern western liberals seeking participation in western institutions and willing to accept the blurring of patrilineal identities in favor of geopolitical stability.
It certainly seems like Trump will renew Abraham accord initiatives. Will be interesting to say the least!
I think it is also a rather bad sign that most of the world uncritically embraces Hamas' wildly inflated casualty claims including their known lies about the combatant:civilian breakdown.
We should prepare ourselves for a likely world-wide acceleration of anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist propaganda and violence. Look at how even in this comments section, an Anonymous commenter believes there is such a thing as a Palestinian people (!), and that they have been the victims of the modern terrorist state of Israel, which also controls the USA. I have been seeing and hearing parade of such topsy-turvy insanity cropping up all over.
We now have a new woke right in the USA, advancing the view that Israel is a nazi colonial genocidal land-grabbing state that should not be given US support. These folks include some very close to Trump, and a growing number within the Republican party. Combined with the US woke left, they are influential.
Why, on top of Ezekiel 36, all this induces me to seriously consider making Aliyah... at least to relocate home, rather than pursue citizenship.