The Evolution of the Trinity, Part 1, Interview with Dr. Dale Tuggy
Summary notes for the One God Report podcast, "The Evolution of the Trinity, Part 1", Interview with Dr. Dale Tuggy First, in AD 100s, we don’t have any sources for what the average Christian believed. What we do have are some sources from elite writers who were heavily influenced by Hellenistic, or Greek philosophy. These elites made a strong push for a centralized authoritarian church government led by bishops in major Roman population centers. Later, these bishops would vote to determine church policy and doctrine. Another main feature of the 100s AD was the emergence of Christian Logos theories. Logos is the Greek word for “word” in John 1:1. Logos theories were an adaption of earlier Greek philosophical speculations, especially of Plato, who maintained that the ultimate Good or Ultimate Source was too transcendent, too distinct, too separate from the physical world to either make the world or have interaction with the world directly. Rather, the...